Gaming May Not Be As Useless As Your Dad Claims

If you like to play video games, you’re probably no stranger to your dad complaining about how they’re a waste of time. Today, video games are so commonplace that they appear in many different forms, from mobile apps to VR headsets to handheld consoles. Whether you are searching for the top games of the year or nostalgic classics from the ‘80s, the truth is that video games have not only made a huge impact on society in entertainment value but also in the skills they are able to impart. Here are some of the useful skills video games can help you to develop.

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Problem Solving

Believe it or not, playing Zelda games can actually accomplish more than just exploring all of Hyrule. Puzzle games like Ubisoft games and basically all Zelda games train the brain to find creative solutions to complex problems. Research suggests that popular mainstream games such as Call of Duty, League of Legends, and StarCraft can help improve the gamers’ problem-solving skills, attention span, and hand-eye coordination.

Job Preparation

Developing hand-eye coordination skills, better attention span, and problem-solving skills can be advantageous in any workplace. Different jobs may require skills that games can teach such as spatial orientation, information gathering, and better reaction time to emergency situations. According to L3HARRIS, airlines and overland freight companies routinely use simulators to train their workforce. Commercial airline pilots are required to practice emergency procedures in flight simulators and are required to pass a simulator assessment every six months. In addition, technology such as augmented reality made popular by Pokémon Go has already made its way into the workplace of engineering, manufacturing, and production jobs.

Stay Fit

Many professionally competitive gamers have been warned that staying fit is essential to maintain their game skills and reaction speed. Just as there are games to cover many subjects, there are games that can help improve fitness. According to Axtion Tech, activity-based games such as Just Dance and Dance Dance Revolution can provide a great workout. In addition, virtual reality activity games such as boxing, fencing, and speed skating can also provide intensive exercise.

Gaming as a teen is not a useless hobby. More and more people are recognizing the positive attributes that can be developed in a healthy gamer. You’ve just got to make sure to balance gaming with other things in your life. Gone are the days when games and gamers belong at the nerdy table. Contrary to what your dad may think, they can actually be quite useful.

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