Many high school students are deciding to delay their college education for a year in order to take a gap year. There are many reasons for people to opt for a gap year, and there is no right or wrong way to do it. Whether you are looking to travel or just get a head start on your educational and career aspirations, this time to regroup can prove to be extremely beneficial before launching into your next educational journey. Here are three tips designed to help you get the most out of your gap year:
Job Tips
Many students decide to use their gap year to get ahead on their finances before heading into college. Paid internships are an ideal way to make some extra cash while gaining relevant work experience. If you have your heart set on a particular out-of-state school but want to gain the coveted in-state tuition status, getting a job in that state will help you to achieve residency status and qualify for the lower rates.
Traveling Tips
While some students use the gap year to prepare for college, many enjoy traveling and seeing the world. This travel time helps teenagers to mature and gain more life experience before going to college. Before you take off on your global adventure, it is important to be prepared for the logistics of travel. While some places will rent a car to 18-year-olds, these rentals usually come with a separate fee. It is important that you take care of your rental car so that you do not incur even more costs.
Mindset Tips
It is possible that you will never again have the freedom in life that you have during this gap year. To make the most out of this flexibility, be sure to go into the experience with an open mind. Having an open mind will allow you to truly embrace the people and cultures that you encounter along the way. Whether it be through traveling the world or simply settling into the place that you plan on attending college, this time should be free of rigid parameters that you set on yourself.This gap year can be a great time for you to explore a new place, earn some money for your further education, or find a cause to champion. Make sure that you experience all that this gap year has to offer you in order to make the most out of it. But at the same time, make sure that you do all you can to prepare and pay for for the next four years of your college career.