What happens when you send a hardcore teenage Vampire Diaries fan to one of the biggst #TVD conventions in the country? Watch to find out! If you are a Vampire Diaries fan–this is a MUST episode!
APPEARANCES BY: Addison Briann @addison.briann Danielle Zacharia @epiccons Anna Owen @epiccons Nathaniel Buzolic @natebuzz Chase Coleman @chasercoleman Kaitlyn Brandtonies @mysticfallsinn Sara Canning @saracanning Danielle Campbell @thedaniellecampbell Phoebe Tonkin @phoebejtonkin Daniel Gillies @mr.danielgillies Gracie Vickner @liveloveiansomerhalderinstaa Ian Somerhalder @iansomerhalder Paul Wesley @paulwesley Steven Krueger @stevenakrueger Zach Roerig @zach_roerig Riley Voelkel @lifeofrileyv Caspar Zafer @casparzafer
#thevampirediaries #iansomerhalder #damonsalvatore #tvd #teamstefan #teamdamon #tvdu #theoriginals #joshrosza #theoriginalscast #tvdconvention #danielgillies #josephmorgan #elijahmikaelson #zachroerig #mattdonovan #mattyblueeyes #donovanfamily #mattdonovanedit #kolmikaelson #salvatorebrothers